Why buy spanish olive oil?

buy Spanish olive oil

Best olive oil from Spain

Why Spanish Olive Oil is so famous? Spain is by far the largest producer of olive oil in the world. Actually, Spain produces more than three times the quantity of Italy, and nearly half of the world’s production. This prominence is nothing new with olive oil production in the country, dating as far back as the second millennium BC. In this sense, a plethora of archaeological evidence proving Spain supplied the Roman Empire with olive oil.

Although Spain has a 4,000 year history, in the last 25 years Spanish olive oil has experienced a true revolution. The truth is that in the past the country held a strong reputation for sacrificing quality over quantity. However, spanish producers today are making some of the world’s best olive oils. For that, they utilize the country’s abundance of local olive varieties with their broad range of flavor profiles.

Actually, the many spanish premium brands have seen a fair share of international awards in recent years. Since 2008, Spanish olive oils are among the five top-three finishes at the prestigious IOC’s Mario Solinas Awards. And nowadays, these brands continue to make headlines on the global award circuit from Los Angeles to China.

Spanish olive oil brands

Spain produces olive oil in nearly every region in the country, but mainly the South of Spain. In fact, the region of Andalusia alone is responsible for around 60% of Spain’s total output. In this picturesque region of Southern Spain, the landscape covered by olive trees span is a truly remarkable, breathtaking sight.

Spain cultivates hundreds of different varieties of olives, but the major varieties include Picual, Hojiblanca, Arbequina and Cornicabra. Additionally, some producers have begun to focus on the smaller notable varieties indigenous to their area. A good examble are the Royal, by Castillo de Canena and the Genovesa and Royal Changlot by Masia el Altet.

By far the dominant in Spain, the Picual varietal, when harvested at optimum ripeness, produces a robust fruity oil. It brings strong notes of green grass and herbs and is very high in polyphenols (around 400-500mg/kg). Therefore, it is ideal for frying and elevates the flavors of soups and salads when used as a finishing oil.

The second most widely-produced varietal in Spain is Hojiblanca, a large olive, suitable for table olives as well as oil. Its oil is powerfully fragrant with a slight sweetness on the palate and a slight bitter-almond finish. It is also great for frying, sauce making, dressing over pastas or white bread with fresh tomato and garlic.

Another type of Spanish olive dominating the olive oil scene is the sweeter Arbequina varietal. Originally from Catalonia, it yields a delicate and fruity oil with flavors of green apple and sweet almond. As the oil is considered too delicate for frying, it is ideal with fish, salads, vegetables and mayonnaise.

In our Olive Oil Extra Store, you can buy some of the best extra virgin olive oils from Spain. Among them, award-winning brands such as Castillo de Canena, Oro Bailen, Oro del Desierto and more. And for several years, Almazaras de la Subbética has won the “Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Spain” award.

Spanish Vs Italian olive oil

There is a common perception related to olive oils that are imported from Italy. In fact, people assume that they’re higher quality than those from their Mediterranean neighbors, like Spain. Interestingly, there is no direct correlation between higher quality oils when you compare these two beautiful countries output.

Spanish olive oil has a golden yellow color, while Italian oil tends to be dark green. The former has a fruity and nutty flavor while the latter has a herbal aroma and a grassy flavor. Greek olive oil that tends to be green packs a strong flavor and aroma.

Best spanish olive oil

According to the EVOO World Ranking, the best extra virgin olive oil in the world in 2023 was the Spanish oil Rincón de La Subbética DOP Priego de Córdoba, of the Hojiblanca variety. Two other Spanish names completed the podium: Palacio de Los Olivos Picual and Goya Organics Premium.

However, the ranking has not overlooked the quality that prevails in the Spanish olive grove, classifying Campos de Biatia La Dama Íbera Edición Limitada, from SCA Oleícola Baeza (Jaén), as the best oil in Spain. Also, the first town with an olive-growing tradition in Spain is in the south. It is Martos, in the province of Jaén, a place where the cultivated area is around 30,000 hectares.

At Olive Oil Extra we promote the culture of extra virgin olive oil as a gourmet product, which should be cared for and savoured like a good wine.