Best olive oil from Spain Why Spanish Olive Oil is so famous? Spain is by far the largest…
California establishes the classification and labeling standards for olive oils
Standards for olive oils On the recommendation of the California Olive Oil Commission (OOCC), the California Department of…
Pompeian olive oil leads EVOO sales in the US
The Pompeian olive oil brand leads EVOO sales in the United States In 2021 they amounted to 60.66…
A pioneering program in the US spreads the benefits of olive oil
The benefits of olive oil Young Americans already know olive oil better, and the Davis Olive Center institute…
California foresees a “significant” decrease in its olive oil production
California decreases its olive oil production The Board of Directors of the California Olive Oil Commission (OOCC) foresees…
A new tool to verify the geographical origins of virgin olive oil
Origins of virgin olive oil The new geographical authentication strategy is based on the analysis of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons,…
A hectare of olive trees cancels out one person’s annual carbon footprint
Forests play a vital role in stabilizing the climate by regulating ecosystems and protecting biodiversity, but rising temperatures…
Sunflower oil Vs Olive oil
Sunflower oil A surge in sunflower oil prices after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine cut supply has proved an…