No chemical-synthetic fertilizers, plant protection products, and soil herbicides
Bio-Organic olive oil
Organic olive oil is the definition for the olive oil produced with organic processes, in accordance with EU regulations. This means firstly that the olives are cultivated without chemical-synthetic fertilizers, plant protection products, and soil herbicides.
Furthermore, the whole organic process, from the crop to the bottling must comply with the regulation on organic farming. Actually, the organic and conventional olive oil take-up takes place at different times so they do not contact.
Due to the ban on using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the preferable varieties for bio-cultivation are those resistant to diseases.
One of the best and most resilient varieties is Picual, which shows relative production stability from year to year. The Picual is the most important olive variety in Spain and it gives one of the best quality olives.
Labelling Bio-Organic olive oil
According to the EU regulation every package of organic olive oil should bear the label BIO or ORGANIC.
Why Bio-Organic olive oil is more expensive?
Organic olive oil production is carried out with mild means and natural processes, so the final harvest is less.
This added to the higher cost of tree maintenance with non-chemical fertilizers and the higher risks of crop loss. So, the result leads to an increase of the price, sometimes even tripled compared to conventional olive oil.
What is the difference between Organic and conventional EVOO?
The difference between an organic and a conventional extra virgin olive oil is not easily detectable in an organoleptic control. Therefore, you cannot spot differences in taste, odor and color.
However, considering the greatest effort to produce Bio, organic EVOO are usually in the highest range of quality and taste.