Benefits of drinking olive oil

the benefits of drinking extra virgin olive oil

Benefits of drinking Extra Virgin olive oil

Drinking olive oil is an efficient way to consume the antioxidants and healthy fats. Actually, drinking olive oil is a popular health trend that many people choose to follow. In particular, some who live in the Mediterranean drink ¼ cup of olive oil daily for health benefits.

Olive oil is considered a source of healthy fat also rich in antioxidants, but olive oil offers far more benefits. It is said to help with inflammation, weight loss, and blood sugar regulation.

And even with constipation relief (which affects approximately 34% of adults over the age of 60). It can also be good for skin and hair, and may even have properties to ward against cancer.

Drink olive oil before bed

Those who safely choose to add olive oil to their regimen will need to start with a small amount of olive oil. Keep in mind that each tablespoon of olive oil packs around 120 calories. So keep moderation in mind, especially if you already cook with olive oil regularly.

Another problem that could arise from drinking too much olive oil is an upset stomach and digestive tract. It’s also well worth considering to drink olive oil before bed, a shot to bolster your health.

What happens if you drink olive oil everyday?

Anecdotal stories claim that drinking the oil can detoxify your body, soothe your stomach, and even aid weight loss. It may help meet the recommended intake of healthy fats.

Actually, most people eat enough total fat, but many fall short of getting enough monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which are found in olive oil. Furthermore, olive oil is one of the richest plant sources of MUFAs, and consuming it can help you meet your needs of this type of fat.

MUFAs are especially beneficial for heart health. In particular, one compound thought to play a role in supporting heart health is oleic acid when used in place of other fat sources.

Drinking a couple of tablespoons of olive oil daily could help you meet the recommended amount of this fat if you get insufficient amounts from your diet.

In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that replacing fats and oils higher in saturated fat with 1.5 tablespoons (22 ml) of oils high in oleic acid daily may reduce your risk of heart disease.